Friday, August 7, 2009

DAY 11: Lobsta', Croquet, and 5 Hours Sleep

DAY ELEVEN. The end is getting near, and time for blogging is getting scarce. The lectures we've had over the last week and a half are being put to good use as we all chisel, design, and plane our wood into something that resembles furniture. I've learned to trust my markings when it comes to cutting dovetails. Which greatly increases the speed at which I approach the finish product. It took me an entire day to cut the dovetails of one leg, and now today I've cut the other legs dovetails and one set of pins in less than 7 hours.

Aaron Fadarko consulting with Sybil on getting the perfect fit

Bill B. working, in ash, on his Half-Blind Dovetails

Francis got a leg on

Daniel and Aaron

The day ended and it was time to prepare for the pot luck we'd be having later in the day. Since there wasn't much time to make anything the pot luck was practically catered by The Market Basket, down the road. I wouldn't say that is a bad thing at all, the food at The Market Basket is de-ricious.
After dinner a little game of Croquet. I can't say I feel guilty for neglecting my project and playing croquet because it's so damn fun. I've never played, and I'm not sure I can say now that I've played, only because PK, who was ref, had some interesting rules. What better way to spend a Thursday than with local lobster, a few beers, and croquet with a bunch of virgin woodworkers.

PK trying to hula hoop

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